Privacy Notice

Talent Talks Limited Privacy Policy - Effective 1st March 2024.

1. Introduction

Talent Talks Limited is committed to safeguarding and preserving the privacy of our visitors and members. We take this matter very seriously and will always respect your right to privacy. Talent Talks Limited takes every reasonable precaution to ensure that your information is only used in the ways outlined by this Privacy Policy and within compliance of the Talent Talks Limited Terms and Conditions.

Talent Talks Limited are a registered UK company under Company number 07665982. Throughout this document the terms “We”, “Us”, “Our”, the “Site” are used to mean Talent Talks Limited, and this website. This Privacy Policy operates within compliance of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679.

This Privacy Policy will explain how and why we use your Personal Data when visiting the site or when signing up to any of our services.

Please read this document carefully before proceeding to understand what use of our website and services will mean to you and your Personal Data (as defined by the GDPR).


2. Updates to This Privacy Policy

From time to time we may need to update this Privacy Policy because of changes in regulation/legislation/law, changes in how our services operate, or changes to our company structure etc.

In the event that this Privacy Policy is updated we will do our best to notify all users immediately, this includes having a notification on our website home page or sending you an email informing you that the policy has updated. When there is a change in our Privacy Policy you may be required to agree to the new policy before been able to continue using our services.


3. Key Contact Details

Should you have any questions regarding your privacy or on the content of this Privacy Policy then you will be able to contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO),

Should you have any questions relating to consent of your data, things like opting out of email work notifications, they can be handled directly by either unsubscribing from our general emails using the option at the bottom of the emails we have sent you or by logging into your account on our website and managing your subscriptions in your account settings. If you wish to contact us about anything other than the topics covered in this Privacy Policy you can do so by any of the available contact details on our website.


4. Data We May Collect

In running and maintain the site we may collect certain information about you such as; your IP address, web logs, Cookie data, browser signature, performance and monitoring data, traffic data, locational data, and other information passed via HTTPS automatically by your browser.

By creating an account with us we will collect certain additional information about you such as; your full name, email address, nationality, age, mobile number, address, request you to upload headshots and pictures of yourself, and your bank account details (sort code and account number)

This data can be considered as Personal Data such as your name, IP address, email etc. With any and all Personal Data this information will be stored securely and only kept when necessary such as providing you with general details of available work or work related specifically to your stored information.

Some of our members will be considered to have special talents that make you eligible for high value jobs, because these jobs are infrequent the standard data retention period mentioned below will not apply to you. We will hold your data indefinitely till you inform us you no longer want us to hold your data. If you are once of these select few members you will be notified by email and have the option to opt-out at that point.

The Personal Data we collect will be held with us for as long as you use our services. Once every 24 months all data that is not in use will be deleted from our systems along with all backups or archives unless we are required to keep it in accordance with any other applicable UK laws such as for tax or accounting reasons. We can also delete your data by submitting a request to our DPO or deleting your account in your account settings, this action cannot be undone.


5. Marketing

When you make an account on our website you are also agreeing to receive marketing information from us via email, these will be general weekly emails consisting of available work that could be open to you. You will also receive specific emails for jobs tailored to you which may be filtered by criteria such as age, location, gender, ethnicity etc. depending on the work required.

We do not sell or purchase any data to or from any other third parties.

We will never send you any marketing information on any other topics, and your preferences for receiving these emails can be managed in your account settings or by emailing our DPO.


6. Profile and Work Applications

When you use our services we are required to make your information publicly available for use by producers by accessing your profile page. Our service operates as an advertising platform to be used by our members, for this reason we can not restrict information entered on your profile page as all information we request is vital for producers in selecting the right talent for the jobs available. If you do not agree with this process, you are able to delete your account which will remove your content from our website and stop you from receiving any marketing communications from us. You can also delete your account by emailing our DPO.

There is no directory of members available for producers to search through, however, when you apply to any job with us or if you are selected to apply for a job we will pass a link to your profile along with specific details of your profile content directly to producers for them to share with any decision makers in the hiring process. As the companies we work with can change regularly and differ job to job, for more information around this please contact our DPO directly with your questions.

Any bank details passed to us or entered on your profile will never be transferred, they are only retained to allow us to make payments to you for any work completed on any of the jobs we advertise. We handle these payments directly and no third parties are involved.


7. Use of Cookies

For information on how we use Cookies please read our Cookie Policy. Agreement to this policy also means agreeing to our Cookie Policy.


8. Use of Your Information

Talent Talks Limited use the information that we collect from you to match you to potential work available to you. In addition to this we may use the information for one or more of the following purposes:

a. To provide information to you that you request from us relating to our products or services.

b. To inform you of any changes to our website, services or goods & products.

c. If you have previously used our services we may provide to you details of similar services, or other services that you may be interested in.

We will never pass or sell your information to any third parties for marketing purposes under any circumstances, we believe heavily in the integrity of our clients and only believe you should be contacted with relevant information.

We may pass your information to third parties for providing the services detailed within this Privacy Policy, including when you make an application for work with us. This data will only be stored with companies that can be confirmed to fully comply with the GDPR.

Section 5 mentions our marketing processes in more detail.

Section 6 mentions our profile and application processes in more detail.


9. Storing Your Personal Data

In operating our website, it may become necessary to transfer data that we collect from you to locations outside of the European Union for processing and storing. By providing your personal data to us, you agree to this transfer, storing or processing. We do our upmost to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to make sure that your data is treated stored securely and regardless of the companies’ location we will only deal with companies that can prove they are GDPR compliant.

Unfortunately, the sending of information via the internet is not totally secure and on occasion such information can be intercepted. We cannot guarantee the security of data that you choose to send us electronically, however we take every reasonable step possible to ensure your data is safe and encrypted. Be aware that sending such information is entirely at your own risk.

Your data can be stored in multiple ways; we store your data on our website to allow you to use our services. We also store your data on an online secure cloud backup and a local backup to help re-establish all of our user details should we ever suffer a loss of data or data breach to recover any lost or potentially infected data.

We will only ever store data that is a maximum of 24 months old to help maintain accurate record keeping, when data has not been used for a 24-month period it will be deleted or archived from our active records as we believe after this time data will no longer be relevant or required in providing our services. Your data will be archived in circumstances where it is required to be retained under any other EU laws, when this does not apply the data will be deleted.


10. Details of Data Transfer

Your data will only ever be transferred via secure methods to ensure that your data is as safe as possible and never knowingly or negligently passed to any unwarranted third parties.

Your data will never be willingly passed to any individual/organisations/companies that do not comply with the GDPR in full even if they operate outside of European Economic Area.


11. Accurate Record Keeping

We try our hardest to only keep accurate records of any Personal Data we store, if you ever need to update any of your information we hold this can be done by contacting our DPO.

Any data we hold that has not been accessed within the previous 12 months will be automatically archived or deleted as noted in section 9 above.


12. Automated Decision Making

Talent Talks Limited does not use any automated decision making in our processes nor do we hand your data to any third parties that may perform automated decision making.


13. Disclosing Your Information

We will not disclose your personal information to any other party other than in accordance with this Privacy Policy and in the circumstances detailed below:

a. In the event that we sell any or all of our business to the buyer where the data held will be considered as one of our assets.

b. Where we are legally required by law to disclose your personal information.

c. To further fraud protection and reduce the risk of fraud.

d. Section 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 of this policy.


14. Your Rights and Access to Information

You have the right to access any information that we hold relating to you. There is no charge for using this service and it can be submitted via email or telephone to the contact details noted on our website.

You also have the right to withdraw your consent or to submit a complaint about how we have handled your data.

To withdraw your consent, you can do so via disabling/deleting your account by contacting as without consent to this Privacy Policy we will be unable to provide you with our services. You can also do so by contacting the email account of our DPO detailed throughout this policy.

If you believe we have mishandled your data and would like to complain you can do so by contacting our DPO via email they will review your claim and provide you will all the information required. They will respond to your complaint within 2 business days.

If you do not want to complain to us or at any point during your complaint with us are unsatisfied with the answers provided you can complain directly to the ICO. This can be done by contacting them via their website